Wednesday, January 5, 2011

1/5/11: SUNSHINE!

Today started out interestingly... I went out for a run at 6:15 (it felt like 4 am... brutal) and when I got back to the house, I discovered that I locked myself out! The lights were still off and I didn't want to knock and wake the Drea's up, so I just sat on the front porch for about 15 minutes until Mrs. Drea came to my rescue. Luckily I had my blackberry to send BBMs while I was waiting! When Jessie and I headed to the barn a little later, I saw something absolutely wonderful and astounding: SUNSHINE! The sun was bright and beautiful. Since I've been living in England, every time the sun peaks out, it's just a tiny sliver and isn't really bright and warm. I never anticipated how much I would miss sunshine! This morning finally provided me with my sunshine fix, and I literally bounced around the barn all morning because I was so happy. Sadly, it only lasted a few hours and then the weather turned gray and cold again. It was almost completely dark by 4:30 this afternoon!
My new favorite horse is a gelding named Rantadoo that came to the Drea's from Germany about a month ago. When he first arrived, Jessie talked to his owners on the phone and asked what his name was. Because of the German accent, she thought his name was "Rent-A-Loo." She has been calling him that for the past month and only found out his real name today when she had to fill in entries for a horse show! When Jessie first told me the horse was named Rent-A-Loo, I replied, "What? Like a Port-A-Pottie?" She thought this was very funny because mobile toilets aren't called Port-A-Potties here, they are called Rent-A-Loos. I still feel very awkward saying I'm going to "run to the loo," instead of "go to the bathroom." Anyway, I am really enjoying riding Mr. Port-A-Pottie (even though, at over 17 hands, he's about three sizes too big for me!) and he was very good when I jumped him today.
I am hoping to see some more sunshine tomorrow, figure out how to open the front door, and get lots of riding done!

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